Business Management Experience Simulation
Working in competitive teams, participants are tasked by the CEO of an established manufacturing business to take on the role of the Board of Directors of the business. They will make all the strategic and operational decisions for the business in a series of trading periods, responding to a changing business environment, and they will compete in an interactive marketplace so that decisions made by their team impact on other teams and vice-versa.
Designed to develop employability skills
The BME is designed to develop the employability skills in demand by corporate, public and third sector employers such as: analytical skills, commercial awareness, financial literacy, teamworking and planning and organising. Also develops key virtual working skills when delivered online, such as influencing others and making decisions by consensus in an online environment.
Who is it for?
The simulation is run as a curricular or extra-curricular activity at both Undergraduate and Masters level and has been designed to be flexible so that it can be integrated into modules for 10 course credits or used for short on-campus or online events.
Develops business acumen and teamworking competencies
Run over 5 trading periods, representing 2 years in the life of an established business, students are able to see the financial and non-financial results of their decisions and to develop the competencies needed to run businesses effectively. A pre- and post-simulation questionnaire allows participants to review their competency development. Certificates of Completion specify competences developed.
Support for participants
The simulation comes with extensive resources including a Participant’s Guide, a Company Management Report from a previous Trading Period, FAQs, Feedback on individual team performance and an online Helpdesk run by the support team at Learning Dynamics/The Simulation Space. This enables students to get answers to questions and advice on how to improve their performance.
Support for educators
The simulation comes with extensive resources including a Participant’s Guide, a Company Management Report from a previous Trading Period, FAQs, Feedback on individual team performance and an online Helpdesk run by the support team at Learning Dynamics/The Simulation Space. This enables students to get answers to questions and advice on how to improve their performance.
How the BME is delivered
This simulation is delivered online via the Learning Dynamics / The Simulation Space virtual platform which is accessible 24/7 on all devices.
Learning review & results
Students are encouraged to keep a learning review throughout the simulation. All results can be viewed and downloaded from The Simulation Space platform. Teams can see their individual results and team rankings so that they can see how they are performing against the performance of their competitors. Educators and Mentors can see results for all of their teams.
Jocelyne Fleming
Aston University
‘Our students get to experience critical interdependencies, execute best practices, and the levers available to optimise their company’s KPI’s. Simulations are highly effective in building the critical capabilities needed for strategy execution’
David Biggins
Bournemouth University
‘The BME Undergraduate level simulation has been embedded in our first year Business and Management course as a core unit, giving students hands-on experience of analysing data, collaborating with peers to resolve dilemmas and make managerial decisions’
Delivered on The Simulation Space Platform